Saturday, November 05, 2005

Political Candidates

Three days until the election. So far I've received letters from DePillo, Tremaglio, Jarjura and Mulcahy asking for my support. I've also received phone calls from the recorded voices of DePillo and Mulcahy. The Republican-American newspaper has done numerous stories about the feud between Jarjura and Mulcahy. I've seen commercials on television: Jarjura demonstrating how simple it is to write in his name, and Ivelisse Cruz standing with the rest of "team Tremaglio" asking for my support. I've read interviews with the mayoral candidates in The Observer, and I caught part of a series of interviews with the mayoral candidates on WATR.

Today I downloaded the sample ballot (which I found on the Republican-American website, not on the city's website; as far as I can tell, the city's website does not provide sample ballots). It turns out that I will also be voting for Town Clerk, City Clerk, City Sheriff, nine members of the Board of Aldermen and three members of the Board of Education. Okay, this wasn't a total surprise: DePillo's mailing had photographs of his party's candidates, and Tremaglio comes as a "team." But it is the first time the full roster was laid out for me.

How am I (and the other voters of Waterbury) supposed to make a decision about these 52 candidates? Waterbury's Democrats have no information about the election on their website. The Republicans don't seem to have a website at all. The Concerned Citizens' website has no local candidate information. The website for the Working Families party profiles only two candidates from across the state, neither of whom are in Waterbury.

DePillo's website has a "Meet the Candidates" section, but only 9 of his running mates have any information posted. That information ranges from short biographical blurbs to full resumes. Only three candidates bothered to explain why they were running for election. So, out of 52 people running for political office in Waterbury, not counting mayoral candidates, only 3 have given me reasons to vote for them.

I really hope that the rest of Waterbury knows how to find information about the 52 non-mayoral candidates. Maybe there's something I missed.


  1. Anonymous12:57 PM

    That is rough. Guess they just want you to vote along party lines. Luckily I don't think this is a year to vote for people in Cali, just propositions, and we sure have enough of those!

  2. Anonymous2:56 PM

    I drove through Waterbury this weekend. And the signs were everywhere. I remember thinking, "How does anyone know who these people are?"
