Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Steakhouse Shelter

Here's a thought that's been bouncing around in the back of my head for a while now: back in January, a restaurant chain called Texas Roadhouse announced plans to build a new restaurant on Benedict Street, behind the Home Depot. St. Vincent DePaul operates a homeless shelter on Benedict Street, behind the Home Depot. The new restaurant will presumable have its back to Benedict Street, since facing towards Bank Street is more likely to pull in shoppers from the Home Depot plaza. I wonder what it will be like for the people staying in the homeless shelter to smell, every day, broiled steaks they can't afford. It seems kind of cruel. Then again, maybe Texas Roadhouse has a good sense of community and will help support the shelter. Either way, it is a strange contrast to have a restaurant serving steak next door to a shelter.

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