Thursday, August 24, 2006


More catching up on blogs I should have written a week or two ago...

Jarjura officially endorsed Lieberman at my favorite pizza place (Dominick & Pia's -- best pizza!). Lieberman said that "Mayor Mike" was an inspiration to him, having won reelection through a write-in campaign after losing his own primary.

I've never been big on party politics. I'm not really a supporter of the existence of political parties. I think they go against the interests of the public, allowing self-serving politicians to keep their racket going.

There's been a lot of talk about Lieberman doing damage to his party by running for reelection even though he lost the primary. Part of the reason he lost the primary was his public stance about his intention to continue running no matter the result of the primary. A lot of Democrats disliked what they heard as arrogance in his determination. As if Lamont were any less arrogant...

I hope Lieberman wins (and not just because Lamont doesn't seem to like Waterbury). Maybe his actions will lead to positive changes to our two-party system.

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