Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Hometown Helper

Hamburger Helper donates $15,000 every month to fund projects in towns across the country. Awards are "based on the merit of the project, including its impact and support within your community." In order to assess the community support, each project applying for a grant is posted on their website ( with a comment form that community members can fill out.

Waterbury currently has four project requesting funding: restoration of the M.A. Green clock on Bank Street; repairs of the Wilby HIgh School auditorium; supplies for Wilby's Drama Club school play; and equipment for Tinker School's ballet program.

To find the Waterbury projects on the website, go to "Find a Project," then select Connecticut from the drop-down menu and write in Waterbury (then click the search button).

Once you are on the comment page, be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the terms and agreement window. You won't be able to post a comment without clicking the "I Agree" box at the bottom of that scrolling window.

The more supporting comments received, the greater the chance of receiving funds.

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