Saturday, March 31, 2007

Politicking over City Hall

I made the mistake of watching channel 13. Larry DePillo and Karen Mulcahy are busy scaring up future votes. It's enough to make me sick to my stomach. They are casting aspersions about the current administration (specifically the Democrats) being corrupt and trying to swindle the taxpayers. I think it's great that someone is keeping close tabs on city government, but I think it's disgusting that they are doing it for their own personal reasons while claiming to be protecting the taxpayers. They are allowing political grievances and agendas to guide them, rather than genuine concern for the common good. Worse of all, they are using a tone of voice that causes the listener to react on an emotional level, rather than on a rational level. They are frightening viewers into reactive voting. This is politics at its worst.

Their current bone of contention is the proposal to build a new firehouse on Field Street, which would allow the existing firehouse to be converted for additional office space. DePillo and Mulcahy are insisting that no additional office space is needed, but the city is currently renting buildings around downtown because there isn't enough space. I suspect there are many good reasons for building a new firehouse. Pros and cons should be weighed carefully and thoughtfully. Slinging mud and whining about not being able to speak at a public hearing for more than five minutes when you get to speak weekly on television and you are in regular communication with the Board of Aldermen is just immature and irresponsible. This is why neither DePillo nor Mulcahy have been able to win mayoral elections.

It sounds to me like they are going to fight the new firehouse all the way to another referendum. This will probably end up pushing the project back another year. Costs are anticipated to rise 8% each year. The referendum costs $40,000. The cost of renting space for City Hall at Sovereign Bank is $396,000 per year. Currently, the estimated cost savings of not building the new firehouse is $3,267,561. Waiting another year will cost $3,305,433.

DePillo and Mulcahy, assuming they force a referendum (as suggested by Independent Party chairman Mike Telesca at the public hearing last week), will actually be costing the taxpayers a minimum of $37,872.


An hour later... Dave Corbett's show is wonderful. He is clearly and carefully showing the ways in which DePillo and Telesca are misleading the public. I hope the people who watch DePillo also watch Corbett.

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