Monday, May 07, 2007

Springtime Blooms

Waterbury is beautiful this time of year, with flowers and new greens everywhere. Lots of sunshine, blue skies, low humidity and temps in the 70s. For about two weeks now, I've been intending to walk or ride my bicycle through the city to get photographs of some of the more beautiful sites. Unfortunately, it looks like I won't have that kind of free time for another couple of weeks, by which point the flowers will be mostly gone.

Today, in lieu of a good walk/ride, I snapped a few photos from my car while running errands.

A flowering tree alongside the post office. All the cars spoil the view--the white minivan pulled in just before I took the photo, making the shot much less appealing than it was before.

Tulips on Grand Street. I like them, but I really wish they had chosen a different color combination. Red and yellow remind me of McDonald's. McTulips!

More McTulips (although the white tulips do help diminish the McEffect), and many dandelions, in front of the Victory House at Hamilton Park. The Victory House was positioned on the Green during WWII and was used for Bond Rallies; it served a similar purpose during WWI, when it was the Liberty House. I forget which war the cannon is from. If I had been walking instead of driving, I could have looked to see what the signage says.

The Courtyard Marriott does a nice job with their landscaping. A much better job than their neighbor across the street, Webster Bank, does. Webster has good community spirit, but they really need to get a new landscaper.

A gorgeous flowering tree near the Tower Grill on Freight Street.

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