Monday, July 30, 2007

Back to School

Summer's almost over. Judging by the weather, I'd say that summer is in full swing with no end in sight, but a shopping trip last week for new sandals taught me otherwise. I had a hard time finding new sandals, because the stores are almost completely sold out. I strolled past swimsuits to see if maybe there was something better than what I currently have, but all that is left are the dregs, and even they are being crowded out by winter coats. Forget trying to by a new summer dress. There aren't any in sight. Just endless miles of back-to-school clothes. Worst of all are the stores that decide to do a Christmas in July sale. I'm thinking about visits to the beach, and the stores are trying to get me to buy Christmas ornaments.

I'm sure the seasonal changeover is a system that works for the merchants, but I can't help wishing that I could buy my clothes when I need them.

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