Sunday, January 20, 2008

Holyland U.S.A.

Early in October, I went for a long walk through Waterbury, eventually climbing up Abrigador Hill to Holyland, where I followed a barely-visible footpath along the western slope. I was surprised to see how overgrown Holyland has become. It looked completely different only a couple of years ago. The cross, visible from the highway, is going to be replaced soon with a new cross, so maybe there are plans and funding to fix up other parts of Holyland. It's a shame that it's effectively abandoned and closed to the public. It would make a great park, perfect for an afternoon hike and picnic.

The main entrance, with the remnants of a miniature city on the hillside.

The woodlands are a real contrast to the surrounding city. I've been told that there are dozens of cats that roam Holyland first thing in the morning, but all I saw was a black squirrel.

Most of where I walked was overgrown with this thorny plant. It seemed appropriate....

[UPDATE, April 5, 2008--The word is that the cross will be coming down soon, to be replaced with a new cross this summer. This will be the third cross to stand on the site. In February, Ned Lamont offered to match whatever funds are raised for the project, up to $25k (a nice gesture, considering what his aide said about Waterbury during the last campaign). Still no news on the future of the rest of Holyland.]

1 comment:

  1. I was up on Pine Hill (That's Holyland's actual name) several years ago and I was heart broken. We lived down on River Street (It was still, more or less an Irish neighborhood then) as kids and spent most summer weekends up there. I do hope someone or some organization can come foreward to fix it up
