Friday, April 11, 2008

No News

I have an online subscription to the Republican-American. For the past two days, when I try to access the paper, I get a message telling me that my account does not have enough credits. The last time this happened, I believed the message and followed a link to re-subscribe... and still was told that my account did not have enough credits. Eventually the paper's tech folks fixed whatever was wrong (but they never refunded the extra money I wound up paying).

This time I know better than to re-subscribe. There's nothing I can do but wait. It's thrown off my morning schedule, since that's when I usually read the paper.

If anything interesting is going on in Waterbury, I have no way of knowing about it.... unless, of course, someone tells me!


  1. Anonymous11:10 AM

    This problem has been hitting a number of people this week, and has to do with the vendor that hosts the online edition. Unfortunately, trying to re-subscribe usually complicates matters.

    Contact Dan Wheeler, our Internet administrator, who is dealing with the vendor. He's He'll need your account name (e-mail address it's registered in), name and address.
