Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bad Bus Stop

This, sadly, is a very busy school bus stop on Walnut Street at the intersection of Wood Street. A few weeks ago, I watched a school bus unload maybe three dozen young children. In the mornings, I see the kids waiting here for the bus. I can't imagine what they and their parents think of it.

If the city can't get the building demolished (the brick building on the right is probably worth salvaging, but taking down the wood apartment building would be a big improvement), then the school department should at least move the bus stop half a block north to the WOW/NRZ neighborhood center. Why do the kid have to stand in front of a building like that every day?

The situation is even worse when you realize what a dangerous intersection this is. There have been two fatal accidents there in the past two years. There are stop signs on Wood Street, but not on Walnut Street. The visibility for eastbound traffic on Wood Street is terrible, and Walnut becomes extremely narrow when there are cars parked on it. And this is where the kids wait for the bus every day.

This intersection could become really nice. There's an empty lot diagonally opposite the empty buildings that would make a great parklet, just the right size for a basketball court and gardens. The corner building could be replaced with some much-needed off-street parking. There have been a few improvements made to Walnut Street, but nowhere near enough.

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