Thursday, April 30, 2009

Greenway Meeting

There was a great meeting about the planned Naugatuck River Greenway at Kennedy HS tonight. A huge crowd turned out, and everyone seemed very enthusiastic. We broke into different groups and brainstormed ideas about what we'd like to see happen with the Greenway. There were a lot of good ideas, and we were encouraged to think as broadly as possible. As much as I like the Cheshire linear park, the possibilities for the Waterbury greenway are a million times better.

I think what I liked best was seeing so many Waterbury people come together and work together to achieve a common goal.

If you weren't at the meeting but would like to provide your input (or if you were at the meeting and have some more ideas), there is a survey to fill out on the new official website of the Waterbury Naugatuck River Greenway:

Also be sure to check out the next issue of The Observer--John Murray will be publishing a full write-up about tonight's meeting.

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