Thursday, October 22, 2009

Question of the Day

If the DOT can no longer afford to widen, straighten and otherwise improve the small yet annoyingly dangerous stretch of I-84 between Austin Road and Hamilton Avenue, then why are they moving forward with a project to widen the much larger and significantly higher quality stretch from Waterbury to Danbury? While I'm making an effort to comprehend the motivations of the DOT, why are they holding a public hearing about the Waterbury to Danbury project at 2 p.m. on a weekday, guaranteeing that anyone who works won't able to attend?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:36 PM

    "why are they moving forward with a project to widen the much larger and significantly higher quality stretch from Waterbury to Danbury?"

    Because it's relatively easy to give a consultant money to do a study. The DOT is only in the study phase, where they pay a consultant to look at environmental impacts of a project Construction won't happen for many, many years, and it will be much more expensive than the Austin Rd I84 project, since it goes all the way to NY.

    Anyone who travels to/from/thru Waterbury at rush hour should be outraged at the lack of concern for moving the I84 project at Austin Rd to Hamilton Ave forward. Do you remember how fast DOT came up with funding and plans to fix Avon Mtn a few years ago?
