Monday, October 04, 2010

Downtown Draw and Out for Art

There were a couple of fun events downtown on Saturday, and fortunately the torrential downpours of the previous days were replaced with gorgeous sunny weather. The annual Downtown Draw chalk art competition was held in the morning, followed by an Out for Art event on Bank Street in the afternoon.

The students participating in the chalk drawing competition were given a theme and then went to work creating their art. Here are some of the highlights.

A block of Bank Street was closed to traffic for the afternoon's Out for Art. The shops and restaurant all had outdoor and indoor offerings.

Shakesperience set up a table for anyone wanting to help build papier mâché sets for the Jungle Book.

There was live music outside Howland Hughes.

At 3 p.m., the outdoor music stopped and the number of people at Out for Art suddenly dropped. I was down the street at Goldsmith's, wondering what happened. Eventually I found the music and the people, inside Howland Hughes:

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