Thursday, October 14, 2010


If you complain loud enough and long enough, sometimes you can get what you need. We've been complaining for a long time that the sidewalks in our neighborhood have decayed so badly that they are dangerous. This week, we're finally getting some improvements.

When we saw the No Parking signs on Ives Street, we felt a little disheartened. There was a rumor going around that only the sidewalks in front of a certain person's properties would be paved. Since there were no signs on Wood Street, we assumed the rumor would prove to be true. Today we were delighted to see the paving crew at work on one of the worst stretches of sidewalk on Wood Street. Hooray!

Just how bad are the sidewalks? Here's a photo of the stretch on Wood Street they paved today:

And here's an "after" shot of the stretch they did on Ives Street yesterday:

It would be nice if the budget allowed for concrete, properly laid out and graded. Asphalt sidewalks crumble faster and don't look as good, but this will certainly improve public safety and maybe even give everyone a little bit of hope for the future of our neighborhood.

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