Thursday, October 28, 2010

Waterbury Neighborhood Council Awards Dinner

Tonight I was honored to attend the Neighborhood Council's 11th Annual Awards Dinner as a guest of Brenda and Ken Killer, winners of this year's Volunteer Award. The dinner was held at the Ponte Club's Villa Rosa.

Here are a few of the award recipients trying to pose for their picture (which was taken with a much better camera than my iPhone 3G!).

A couple views of folks milling around before dinner. The Independent Party was in nearly full attendance, including their candidate for Governor, Tom Marsh.

There were quite a few other politicians in attendance, from the Mayor to several current and former Aldermen (and a few likely future Aldermen), Rep. Chris Murphy, State Senator Joan Hartley, and more.

Dan Malloy made a round through the room to shake hands and chat briefly. Here are a couple "action" shots of Malloy talking to Chelsea Murray from The Observer (Dear Apple, have you considered improving the camera in the iPhone?) (UPDATE 10/30 -- Apple has informed me that the camera in the iPhone 4 is much better than the one in my iPhone 3G) (UPDATE 10/31 -- Technically, it was a friend at Apple who told me that the camera in 4 is better, not Apple itself).

Here's another terrible photo (I'm sorry I didn't bring a better camera!), this time of the WOW Youth Council receiving an award. They're a great group of kids. I was pleased to learn that Chris Murphy followed through with a promise he made to them at the WOW Center on April 17. This summer, the youth group were treated to a bus trip to Washington, D.C. where they got a grand tour of government.

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