Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Window Watching

I've been working on a painting of Fulton Park on Fridays, sitting in the window at Goldsmith's on Bank Street. When I started, it was the depth of winter, and very few people paused to notice. Most pedestrians kept their heads down and focused on walking. Once the snow and ice melted away, the pedestrians started looking in the windows again. Not everyone looks (like the guy on the phone in the photo below), but many do, especially children and teenagers. It's a lot of fun to see their expressions, to see them interact with my paintings in a way I wouldn't normally be able to do.

 I love being in downtown Waterbury. It's a friendly city. People from all walks of life will smile at me and give me a thumbs-up after they see me working on the painting. Some shout words of encouragement through the window. Every so often, a total stranger will come inside the store to chat and share their stories. It's a great experience.


  1. Love that people are stopping in to talk! Another great perspective - thanks.

  2. Anonymous6:23 AM

    That is so true about the compliments and encouragement.

    When we are working on Meadow St. on our Adopt-a-Spot, those that walk by often say, "It looks nice.", or "Good job.".

    Some call out the window of their cars while stopped at the light there.

    One woman even offered some gloves as we were picking up litter.

    That always feels so good.

    What I think is that in Waterbury!, even strangers can feel like friends!
