Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Springtime Color

Gorgeous weather today, even a bit too hot and humid. I took advantage of the rare sunshine to take photos of the spring flowers and budding leaves. I missed the cherry tree blossoms on Park Place--they were in their glory last week--but here are sample shots of how Waterbury was looking today.

First up, my weeping cherry tree:

The view on Walnut Street.

Flowering trees and green lawn at the Brass Mill Center mall:

San Marino restaurant:

The west end of Grand Street:

Father McGivney, preaching to the flowers:

Tulips flowering in planters on Grand Street:

Tulip Lovers--don't forget the Tulip Festival in Fulton Park on May 1st!

More Grand Street tulips:

Pastel greens of new leaves:

The fountain in front of City Hall, once again a fountain:

Not a sign of spring, but too cool to ignore. Awesome hood ornament on a car parked in front of City Hall today:

Magnolia next to the Chase Building:

People enjoying a little bit of shade on Church Street:

Veterans' Memorial monument on the Green:

Flowering trees in front of the rectory building of Immaculate Conception:

Back around to Grand and Leavenworth Streets:

Across from the Grand Street Post Office:

It was a great day for eating lunch outdoors:

Landscaping at CL&P on Freight Street:


MacDermid, across from CL&P:

Now for some shots at Chase Park. While I was there, a man asked if I was taking photos to show how the park needs upgrades--meanwhile, I was thinking it would be nice if there were a park like this on top of Long Hill.

Riverside Cemetery:

West Main Street. During the summer, I wish these little trees were big enough to provide shade. Right now, though, they are showing their merits.

And finally, some little flowers in the lawn of the BPO Elks Club on West Main Street:

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:15 PM

    The flowers are beautiful. It is a shame that the city is about to demolish the historic Fulton Park greenhouse without public knowledge or input. The contract has been signed, the demolition will be quietly done any day now. Many of the flowers that beautified the downtown area were cultivated and stored in the Fulton greenhouse, but those days are over. I worked for the Park Dept for many years and the greenhouse was always kept up, now it is a broken down embarrassment that the administration is trying to make disappear as soon as possible before they can be called to task for their neglect. Business as usual in the public works department, incompetence that is ruining much of Waterbury's historic legacy.
