Saturday, May 14, 2011

Earth Day Cleanup at Scovill Homes

Started the day at the Sears parking lot, picked up gloves, plastic bags, water, and lunch tickets.

I also picked up an extra person, a volunteer from Naugatuck who came to help out.

We had a slightly better turnout this year, a few new people, but mostly the same folks who always come out to clean year round. The WOW Youth Council and our community police officer cleaned up on Ives Street.

At the end of the work--Frankie's hot dogs!


  1. Bonnie8:04 AM

    This brought happy tears to my eyes! You and your neighbors and the lady from Naugatuck did a great job!
    It was truly a GREAT day because people became neighbors and neighbors became friends and a thing of beauty was created!

    Bonnie(who was shocked to see her own picture in your album)

  2. Bonnie, I am so glad you help make this happen!

    Thanks also to the refuse department, which picked up the garbage bags the same day.
