Thursday, July 21, 2011

Here we go!

Great night tonight at the A.O.H. Club, where the Democratic Town Committee selected their slate of candidates for this year's election. Also announced tonight is the news that I will be the campaign spokesperson--very exciting! To find out what the campaign is all about, please visit the O'Leary for Mayor website. There will, of course, be plenty of updates soon.

Waiting for everyone to arrive.

There was a strong turnout tonight despite the oppressive heat. Lots of energy, lots of enthusiasm, lots of hope for Waterbury's future.

Greg Hadley and Larry Butler, State Representative for the 72nd District.

I am VERY pleased that my neighborhood has a shot at representation on the Board of Aldermen. Greg Hadley has been director of the WOW/NRZ Community Center for many years and is a candidate for the Board of Aldermen. Now that we have a candidate, the voters of the 72nd District need to show up on election day. We have a lot of work ahead of us, but we have three months to reach out to the voters and I know that we can do it.

For even more information on tonight's event, check out The Waterbury Observer website and Penny Overton's coverage in the Republican-American.

Slate of Candidates:

Mayor: Neil M. O’Leary

Town Clerk: Antoinette Spinelli

City Clerk: Michael Dalton

City Sheriff: Steve Conway

Board of Aldermen:
Paul K. Pernerewski Jr., An­thony T. Piccochi, Anne P. Phelan, Ernest M. Brunelli, Ronald Napoli Jr., Joseph Begnal Jr., Gregory Hadley, Ruben Rodriguez, Ryan A. Mulcahy.

Board of Education:
Patrick J. Hayes Jr., Eliza­beth Brown, Gregory Harkins

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