Thursday, December 01, 2011

Midnight Oath of Office

Although the public, full Inauguration will be held on Friday, our new Mayor took the Oath of Office at 12:01 a.m. on Thursday, December 1 to ensure a seamless transition of power for the new administration. Also sworn in tonight were the Town Clerk, City Clerk and Corporation Counsel.

There's been some confusion about the two swearing-in ceremonies. Tonight's was held for practical reasons. For example, if the Town Clerk had not been sworn in tonight, it is conceivable that the validity of any birth certificates or other documents she is responsible for could be called into question.

Friday night's Inauguration is a full-length event, held at a time that will be vastly more convenient for the general public.

There were a fair number of people invited to tonight's event who were able to stay up that late (I'm starting to feel old, getting tired so early!). The Waterbury Observer took photographs, and the Republican-American took photographs and video. Here's a few of the photos I took.

First up, everyone waiting for midnight.... It reminded me of when I was a little girl and thought that staying up until midnight was incredibly momentous. I wonder how the Mayor's daughter will remember this night.

Mayor-Elect O'Leary being greeted by his daughter.

Mayor Bergin, who has shared some amazing stories of past campaigns.

The Mayor's swearing-in was conducted in the Aldermanic Chambers. The Oath of Office was administered by Senior Justice William J. "Taco" Sullivan.

Mayor O'Leary!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:32 AM

    May God bless our new Mayor and give him the desire and insight that will bring Waterbury! and Waterburians to a place of respect and success so that all of those "Waterbury! guys and gals" who have moved out will be moving back to the place that they say is always in their hearts; so that businesses will see Waterbury! as the place to do do business; so that the REAL Waterburians will have a renewed pride in this amazing city.
