Sunday, January 22, 2012

Snow Monsters Return!

I was hoping the snow would lead to some more creativity at MD Auto on North Main Street, and it has. Yay!

Here are this year's first snow creatures.

This one is, sadly, damaged. Someone kicked him in the jaw.

I have not yet met the artist (MD Auto was closed when I went by today), but the Rep-Am reported last year that Harold Figueroa is the inspired genius.

Here's a couple of the snow/paint sculptures from last winter: late Decembermid January and late January. Each one is more complex and "finished" than the last.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:30 PM

    GREAT will Wtby be giving out BLIGHT Stickers no side walks being shoveled stillson &Frost cemetery by walmart 50 welton & lauel near mall .
    forclosed homes
