Tuesday, September 04, 2012


I think I just fell in love with Amtrak. As reported in the Hartford Courant, Amtrak's latest proposal for the Northeast Corridor includes Super Express service between Washington, D.C. and Boston with stops in Philadelphia, NYC, and.... Waterbury!

Proposed Service Types, Courtesy Amtrak

This is a long-range plan for completion in 2040, so plenty of things can change. Other cities might petition for the train to bypass Waterbury and stop elsewhere. Our big advantage is being on Route 8 and I-84, making it simpler for travelers to reach Waterbury than other places (we're a logical hub). It's going to be up to our legislators, city officials, and other influential people to make sure Waterbury becomes a stop on the Amtrak Super Express.

Potential Phasing Segments, Courtesy Amtrak

This is a major game changer for Waterbury. Of course, we'd have to finally get a real transportation center (DOT and COGCNV, are you listening?), but we've been trying to make that happen for years.

I have no idea where they propose putting the tracks. That could get a little messy. Between Danbury and Waterbury, I assume they'd run the trains more or less alongside I-84. I have no idea where in Waterbury they would put the station, presumably near the existing station for the sake of connecting to the Bridgeport line, but I have no idea how they would run in and out of downtown.  Can it go under I-84?

It's going to take some careful planning and a lot of involvement from stakeholders to pull this off, but the end result could be very awesome. If this project stays on target with their timetable, it will be completed in 28 years. That's not very far away!

To read the original PDF Amtrak report, click here.

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