Sunday, February 10, 2013

Things To Do When You're Snowed In

Too many people are focused on the negative aspects of our current snow-bound situation. This is the sort of storm that happens once or twice a century. There's no way of knowing how long you'll be stuck at home, and getting angry isn't going to help. Here are some things you can do instead of ranting and raving and blaming city workers for not being able to keep up with an act of God.

1. Check up on your neighbors.
Make sure everyone is okay and has food. Make sure they know that they can still call 911 for an emergency. If they need to get essential medications, try calling the Waterbury Emergency Control Center at 203-597-3450.

2. Get in a workout from shoveling.
Can't get to the gym? No problem! My arms and legs are sore from shoveling snow yesterday. Make sure you dress in layers and pace yourself. Once you've finished your driveway and sidewalk, and you've done your neighbor's sidewalk, you may as well start shoveling the street. Better still, dig out any cars that were abandoned in the middle of the street. When the plows finally arrive, they'll finish that much faster. Sure, it's not normally your responsibility to shovel the street, but what else have you got to do? Remember, it's a great workout, and we're all in this together.

3. Organize a neighborhood snowball fight. 
The snow is so deep, it's really easy to built a fort. Just dig out a path, and you have an instant trench. Snowball trench warfare!

4. Build snow art. 
Time to get creative! Snow people, snow monsters, snow Nemo.

5. Go sledding.
Haven't got a sled? Use the plastic lid from a storage tub or trash can. Check around the house, there's probably something that will work.

6. Play games.
Board games, card games, computer games, parlor games. There are plenty of websites that have directions for games to keep the whole family entertained.

7. Bake something.
Check your pantry for ingredients. If you're like me, you have supplies left over from holiday cookie baking. Now's a good time to be in the kitchen. Make extra, and share with your neighbors. It will boost everyone's morale.

8. Watch movies.
The obvious choice. Couch potato time.

9. Read.
Read online news articles so you'll know it's just as bad in other cities. Read a novel so you can escape from the snowpocalypse entirely.

10. Tell stories.
Were you around for the Blizzard of 1978? Share the story with younger family members. Have other memorable life experiences? Share them too. For that matter, if you're so inclined, try making up stories or put on a play. Sounds silly, but you'll have fun.

11. Have a sing-a-long.
Why not? Singing is fun, will cheer you up, and will chew up time.

12. Clean and organize.
You know that closet you keep meaning to clean out? Those boxes you keep meaning to sort through? The thorough dusting and mopping you know you need to do? Now's the time.

13. Get caught up on sleep.
You'll be completely relaxed by the time you're able to return to work. Considering that you'll likely have a lot of work to get caught up on, it's a good idea to get some rest now. Think of it as a mini-vacation.

14. Work from home.
This one's all me. I'm sort of jealous of friends who are able to stay home and not work, but I'm a workaholic and I've got deadlines.

15. Plan ahead.
Your schedule has been disrupted. Check the calendar to see what needs to be rescheduled (like my cat's spay surgery, currently scheduled for Tuesday).

16. Be grateful for what you have.
Still have power? Stuck someplace warm? Have food? Be grateful. Sure, this is an annoying inconvenience, but that's all it is. We will get through this, and we will get through this better with kindness than with animosity.

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