Thursday, February 05, 2015

Snow Fun

With a couple of feet of snow still on the ground, and another foot expected on Sunday and Monday, many people are feeling overwhelmed and discouraged. What if, instead of despairing, we embraced the large quantity of snow to have a snow sculpting competition? It would be a fun use of the excess snow, and could be held in one of the city parks.

Maybe that's a little ambitious for a spur of the moment idea. As they say, start small.

I've got three mounds of snow in my yard and in the street in front of my house that will be growing this weekend. I think I'll try turning at least one of them into a snow sculpture. The only downside is that they get full sun all day, so they'll melt fast. Very temporary art.

One of my three growing snow mountains.

If you're interested in making your own snow sculpture, here are some samples to inspire you.

You can also use food coloring and spray paint for colorful sculptures.

Food coloring and spray paint penguins. Instructions here.

Snow pig on North Main Street, 2011 by Harold Figueroa.

Tiki man on North Main Street, 2011 by Harold Figueroa.


  1. Anonymous5:55 PM

    I would love to be part of the snow sculpture competition, but there is only one problem--no talent!

    1. All you need is a good teacher and self-confidence.
