Saturday, February 23, 2019

Winter is the Pits

One of Waterbury's great grassroots groups, Spirit of Waterbury, put together a winter festival at Hamilton Park this afternoon, the second in their series of Hidden Spaces, Secret Places events. The weather was more mud season than snow season, but everyone still had a good time. An estimated 1,000 people attended the event, which included a small bonfire, several pit fires, s'mores, chili, soups, hot chocolate, food trucks, and a mobile pub.

An icy fire, with a hot fire in the background.

Inside the Stone House

The Stone House was heated and lightly insulated. The Bouley Manor Neighborhood Association had the supplies for the s'mores for sale ($1 for four s'mores and two sticks), as well as cookies. Other vendors and activities were: hot soups and coffee from John Bale Book Store; chili made by Fire Station 2 & Engine 5 with Cavallo's Imports; hot chocolate and donuts from The Waterbury Neighborhood Council; free children's books from Waterbury Reads; magic and recycling information from Recycling Coordinator C. J. May; DJ Don of DJ International; and the Welcome Table had a raffle for limited edition framed prints for Hidden Spaces, Secret Places.

The bonfire was under control, so our firemen were able to focus on the hot chili.

Hot chocolate and donuts from The Waterbury Neighborhood Council.

Outdoor Activities

The view from the Stone House Pavilion.

One of the pit fires.

Toasting marshmallows at another pit fire.

Cornhole games hosted by Post University.

The crowds next to The Art of Yum and the Mobile Pub.
Nora's Cupcakes and the new PAL Food Trailer were also serving up food.

The Mobile Pub Outdoor Cafe was roped off by the police line (and guarded by this dog).

A big dog met even bigger horses and had some trouble figuring out what they were.

The horse was not impressed.

When you're little, running down a hill is the best.

Surveying the festivities.
Ken Killer (on the right) is one of the long-time volunteers with the Spirit of Waterbury.

It was a little too muddy for volleyball.

The sticks carried by the people on the right are for toasting marshmallows.

At least one news station stopped by to film the event. There was also a drone buzzing overhead.


Events like this can't happen without donations from businesses and individuals. Here's hoping it happens again next year!

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