Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Blighted buildings

From today's Republican American article, "City aldermen to consider eminent domain": "'To me, a vacant lot is better than a vacant building,' [Michael] Gilmore said."

A lot of great buildings have been torn down and left as empty lots in Waterbury. Neglected empty lots fill up with garbage, weeds and tall plants that give junkies a nice sheltered spot for shooting up. Empty lots that are "maintained" are desolate, barren wastelands in the heart of the city. Waterbury is full of lots that have been vacant for years.

I don't know which are the 22 properties Gilmore wants the city to purchase and demolish. I can think of several examples of vacant and run down buildings that would be better as vacant lots, but I can also think of many more examples of abandoned buildings that should be restored as city assets.

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