Sunday, November 20, 2005

Things I Don't Understand

About a month or so ago, I noticed that there was a piece of pastry on the ledge outside my kitchen window. My apartment is on the third and top floor. There had been some extremely strong winds earlier in the day, so I assumed that the pastry was lightweight enough to have blown up onto the window ledge. I also assumed that the mouse eating the pastry had somehow stumbled across it, or maybe the mouse had a really great sense of smell. The cat, of course, is very easy to explain, since she lives in my apartment. Incidentally, the mouse has one eye on the cat and one eye on his escape route.

A couple days ago, I noticed a large piece of chicken or pork sitting on the ledge outside the other kitchen window.This one I can't explain. It's definitely too heavy for either wind or mouse to have delivered it. It's an unlikely spot for a bird to have landed. Do squirrels eat meat? The most likely scenario is that a person climbed up the fire escape and left it there. But why would anyone do that?

The mystery is compounded by the chicken bones on the first floor window ledge. For more than two years now, chicken bones have been appearing on the ledge outside one of the first floor windows of this house. No one has ever been seen leaving them there. At first it was assumed that someone in the neighborhood was eating chicken while walking home from La Cazuela or KFC and randomly decided to leave the chicken bones on the window ledge. Then it was thought that maybe this was some sort of prank. But now it's just plain weird.


  1. Anonymous7:23 AM

    That really just cracks me up. I think either the mice are carrying them up there, or there are squirrels. Either way, I doubt it is people.

  2. My dad thinks it's a crow hiding his food from the other crows.
