Tuesday, July 31, 2012

2012 Election Guide

You've probably noticed that there's a Presidential election coming up this November. If you live in Waterbury, you've probably also noticed there's a 5th District election as well, fraught with overtones of scandal. You may even have some vague concept about an election involving Chris Murphy and Linda McMahon. What you may not know is that we will also be voting for State Senators and Representatives, and that there is a primary election on August 14. If you are a Democrat or a Republican, you should vote in the primary as well as in the November election.


The full slate of candidates for Waterbury voters on November 6 is as follows:

Barack Obama/Joseph Biden - Democrat
Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan - Republican

(There are many more parties with candidates for President, from the Prohibition Party to the Objectivist Party. For links to those candidates, visit Politics1.com.)

U.S. Senate

Chris Murphy - Democrat
Linda McMahon - Republican
Paul Passarelli - Libertarian

U.S. Congress, 3rd District

Rosa DeLauro - Democrat - 3rd District Congresswoman since 1990
Wayne Winsley - Republican

U.S. Congress, 5th District

Elizabeth Esty - Democrat
Andrew Roraback - Republican
John Pistone - Independent

State Senate

15th District
Joan V. Hartley - Democrat - State Senator since 2000; 73rd District Representative for 16 years
Andy Larsen - Independent
Blair F. Bertaccini - Working Families

16th District
John "Corky" Mazurek - Democrat - 80th District Representative for 7 years
Joseph C. Markley - Republican - State Senator since 2010 and from 1984 to 1986

State Representatives

71st District
Ernest Brunelli - Democrat - Currently serves on the Waterbury Board of Aldermen
Anthony J. D'Amelio - Republican - 71st District Representative since 1996

72nd District
Larry B. Butler - Democrat - 72nd District Representative since 2007
Michael Stango - Republican
Richard J. Cam - Petitioning Candidate

73rd District
Jeffrey J. Berger - Democrat - 73rd District Representative since 2000
Dennis Odle - Republican - Served on Waterbury Board of Aldermen 

74th District
Selim Noujaim - Republican - 74th District Representative since 2002
Joseph P. Nolan - Independent

75th District
Victor Cuevas- Democrat
John Alseph - Republican

Registrar of Voters 
Patricia M. Mulhall - Democrat
Timothy T. DeCarlo - Republican
Bernard J. Bailey - Independent

CANDIDATES: if you have a website that I have not linked to, please let me know what it is!


Connecticut is divided into many districts. Most, but not all, of Waterbury is in the Fifth Congressional District.

Parts of the South End, Brooklyn, and Town Plot are in the Third Congressional District.

 Waterbury is divided into two districts for State Senate, 15 and 16.

District 15 is in green, 16 is in pink.
From the Connecticut State Library's Google map of state districts.

Waterbury is also divided into five districts for the State House of Representatives: 71, 72, 73, 74, and 75. Of these, four include only Waterbury, while one, the 71st District, also includes Middlebury. These districts are broken down even further to identify polling locations; for example, I live in 72-2, which votes at the WOW Community Learning Center.

From the Connecticut State Library's Google map of General Assembly House districts.

The place you go to vote is based on the home address you gave on your voter registration form. If you moved and did not update your registration, your voting location will be based on your old address. To figure out where you vote, visit the Connecticut Secretary of State website for Voter Registration Lookup.


On August 14, primary elections will be held to select the Republican and Democratic candidates for U.S. Senate and the Congressional 5th District in the main elections. Voters registered as Democrats in the 75th District (see below) will also choose their candidate for State Representative.

Voters will choose between the following candidates:

U.S. Senate

Susan Bysiewicz - Democrat - Formerly Connecticut's Secretary of State; State Representative for 6 years
Chris Murphy - Democrat - Congressman for the 5th District since 2006

Linda McMahon - Republican
Chris Shays - Republican - Congressman for the 4th District for 22 years; State Representative for 12 years

U.S. Congress, 5th District

Chris Donovan - Democrat - State Speaker of the House
Elizabeth Esty - Democrat - State Representative for 2 years 
Dan Roberti - Democrat

Justin Bernier - Republican
Mark Greenberg - Republican
Andrew Roraback - Republican - State Senator since 2001; State Representative for 5 years
Lisa Wilson-Foley - Republican

State Representative, 75th District

Victor Cuevas - Democrat - Candidate chosen by the Town Committee
David Aldarondo - Democrat - State Representative since 2004

The 75th District primary is a slightly unusual race. The incumbent is the challenger, having been ousted in a Town Committee primary in March. For more on that story, check out The Observer's article online.

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