Sunday, July 22, 2012

Brass City Comic Convention 2012

Photos from this year's Brass City Comic Con at Naugatuck Valley Community College, organized by Legends of Superheros. Bigger than last year, lots of fun stuff going on in between hunting for good deals on favorite comic books. Proceeds are being donated to Safe Haven of Greater Waterbury.

First up: costumes!

Supergirl and Harley Quinn

Superman and Wolverine

Spiderman helping Iron Man fly

Best cardboard robot costume I've ever seen!

Some general shots of the show:

As always, one of the best parts of a convention is getting to meet the creators of comic books. A few of the artists in attendance:

David Meikis working on a sketch

Cesar Feliciano drawing a fan

Roy Blakely of My Fair Hunter next to the Rumbirds banner.

T.C. Ford working on a caricature

Dan Dos Santos speaking with fans

Henna art!

Vic Preato discussing his red-shirted Stormtrooper

Maybe the best part of the show were the sketch competitions. Each time, one pro artist went up against a fan, with five minutes to draw a given subject. Great fun to watch!

A fierce competition!

Dan Dos Santos' interpretation....

...and his competition's more opinionated version.

Prof. Foster with the happy young artist after the draw-off.

There were also educational forums. Roger Rautio gave a short presentation about his efforts to create a Comic Book Hall of Fame. He has sent proposals to five major cities, looking for their collaboration in giving the HoF a home. The cities in the running are Cleveland, Chicago, NYC, Phoenix, and San Jose. An audience member (not me) suggested he should choose Waterbury. Wouldn't that be cool!

Roger Rautio (in Superman shirt) and artist Sean Russell

Audience members admiring the Hall of Fame award and famous signatures

Last but not least, we were treated to martial arts demonstrations by the Bond School of Self-Defense.

A mother-daughter team took turns taking each other down; there were several demonstrations of small kids able to defend themselves against large adults

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