Friday, May 10, 2013

Greek Fest!

Waterbury's 2013 season of ethnic festivals has begun! Here are photos from this weekend's Greek Festival on Chase Parkway in Waterbury. Also, if you want to check out the gamut of great ethnic food and culture in Waterbury, be sure to visit Library Park on Saturday, May 18, for The Gathering of nearly all the city's ethnic groups.

The big tent, with dining and a bazaar. The very long line for food was for gyros and hot dogs.

Artwork and jewelry for sale.

Awesome clothing for sale.

Coin scarves! skirts! tops! Great stuff, normally hard to find.



More jewelry

Desserts to take home for later.

Hanging flowering plants for Mother's Day.

Dining in the Gym: full platter meals and live music.

Young dancers continuing age-old traditions.

I wasn't the only photographer there. Check for photos from the Waterbury Observer soon!

A perfect evening--not too warm, not too cold, and no rain.