If the recorded visits to this blog are a reliable indicator, it looks like
Sin City is the biggest thing to happen to Waterbury in a long time. My blog's had hundreds of visitors looking for info on the new nightclub (which opens Thursday), and they're located across a wide-spread area: Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York and New Jersey. Freight Street is going to be jam-packed this weekend!
Photos from the July 3rd opening night:

Seriously? What are the odds of this place making it? Maybe I am getting old but I have spent thousands of dollars on bottles in VIP rooms in NY and Vegas, and even at Mohegan, but I can't see myself spending $350 on a bottle of Goose in Waterbury! On Freight St. none the less! What's next car-bombs at Calli Brothers!!?? I guess I wish them luck but I just think the cards are stacked against them.
But if it were in a similar part of Hartford or New Haven, you'd probably not think twice about it, right? Remember what Times Square was like twenty or thirty years ago? When that started to turn around, did you also refuse to believe that it could be a success?
Waterbury has a tremendous amount of potential, and a large number of people who have been making some great positive change over the past decade, but we're surrounded by people who refuse to believe that anything good can happen here, even though good things happen every day.
The abandoned Scovill factory was replaced with a mall that, a decade later, continues to do as well as any mall. East Main Street has gained new life from the restoration of the Palace Theater and the construction of WAMS and UConn. UConn-Waterbury's student enrollment has more than doubled since the new campus opened, despite the nay-sayers who fought against having a new campus. Downtown is hopping with people seven days a week. The old mall has been replaced by a shopping plaza that is constantly packed with shoppers. The two hospitals have countless satellites of doctor's offices and specialty treatment centers that continue to grow and flourish. In another decade, Waterbury might be the health center city of Connecticut.
The new indoor water park that's currently being constructed in Waterbury isn't just some local pipe dream--this is a national company that did some research and determined that Waterbury was an ideal location for their expensive venture.
Sin City is a fantastic venture for Waterbury--adaptive reuse of an old building, taking advantage of an ideal location relative to the highways, and marketing to a hip younger crowd who will hopefully ignore the prejudices of anyone who refuses to believe that there's anything good in Waterbury.
Let's look at your post... and believe me... I do not hate Waterbury, but I am realistic, and who knows I might even show up tonight to support the Waterbury people who are behind this but...
"Remember what Times Square was like twenty or thirty years ago?"
Seriously? You are going to compare Freight St. in Waterbury to Times Square 30 years ago???
"East Main Street has gained new life from the restoration of the Palace Theater and the construction of WAMS and UConn."
I'll give you the schools, but I think we both know that the Palace will soon go the way of the Palace Supper Club... become a after thought.
"Downtown is hopping with people seven days a week."
Ummmm... would let your 16 year old daughter walk the downtown streets of Waterbury?
"Waterbury might be the health center city of Connecticut."
Ummmm... New Haven is in Connecticut along with St. Rafs and Yale Hospitals!
"The new indoor water park that's currently being constructed in Waterbury isn't just some local pipe dream"
I mean, I don;t even get this place!? Not to mention I live about a mile from it and don;t want to see all t he traffic on my side of the city.
"hip younger crowd who will hopefully ignore the prejudices of anyone who refuses to believe that there's anything good in Waterbury."
Oh yea... the Vasi's crowd. No prejudices there. and let not even talk about the youth and their drugs in the town!"
I'm sorry but I have to respectfully disagree with allot of what you said. I would love to see this place work but I don't think it will. Hopefully they can make their money make and sell it at a profit while it is still hot! GOOD LUCK!
I don't want this to turn into a fight. We definitely don't agree at all. You seem to be determined to see your glass of water as being half empty.
I will let you lure me into making one comment: downtown Waterbury is extremely safe. Should a 16 year old girl be downtown? Why don't you ask all the Sacred Heart students who hang out downtown after school?
I'll agree to disagree also ;) have a good one! Will you be attending the grand opening of Sin City?
im interested to see what kind of crowd will go there. if it ends up doing well and doesn't become sketchy i'd be happy to have a decent bar/club to go to in this area without traveling 30 minutes to go to one.
I agree with Waterbury Girl.
Being in my late 20s, I'm not much of a club-girl anymore, but I had to go check out the scenery Thursday night. I was impressed. Not only with the lights, dancers, music, but also with the good service. I didn't even feel like I was in Waterbury. The performances were great; I felt as if I were at a concert. And yes, the extra cost for VIP IS paying for the privilege of not having to rub elbows with 21 year olds. I'd rather spend $100 in my city, with hundreds of familiar faces surrounding me, rather than in gun-wavin New Haven. I hope Sin City does well. We need it.
The best part about this spate of comments? We all want Sin City and Waterbury to succeed!
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